Common Sense Media Provides parents with the tools they need to make informed decisions about age appropriateness of movies, television, books, and video games. It also has a variety of lessons on teaching students to be good digital citizens.
Netsmartz This site offers free information, resources, and presentations on internet safety. Check out the "Educate Parents and Communities" section, as well as the many other resources offered on this site.
Wonderopolis A site created by the National Center for Families Learning that has a "Wonder of the Day" where a question is posted, and a variety of ways to explore and find the answers to that question is provided. Students can also search their own "wonders".
Parent’s Television Council provides parents with the tools they need to make informed television viewing decisions. They write a short summary of the series or film and list specific content examples to let parents know what they can expect when viewing the show or movie with their children.
Internet 4 Classrooms Parent Zone Internet 4 Classrooms gives parents links, tutorials and navigational tools to help them use the internet more effectively.
NC Public School NC Public Schools connects you to NC's standard course of study and other pertinent components of the department of instruction.
Learn NC Learn NC provides best practices for teaching and learning in our K-12 schools. Ask. Com is an advanced search system that answers questions immediately while providing a wealth of websites that address the question.
Family Education This website features parent blogs and articles for how to capitalize on every situation to make it a learning moment.
Awesome Library Awesome Library organizes the Web with 37,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent in education.
America’s Library This site outlines the historic stories of America's past.